Saturday, August 24, 2013

Glowing Log Effect

After a quick trip to Lowes, we started working on the fire for the cauldron. Following the tips I've labelled previously, I created the chicken wire forms:

About a foot square

When that was done, I stuffed them with plastic bags, which were stuffed in turn with plastic bags:
One filled bag stuffed into each end was sufficient.
Once complete, I sprayed them all with expanding insulation foam. Great Stuff indeed!
I had several people stop in the middle of the road to ask what these were!
They turned out bigger than I had planned, so I cut one in half, then folded it into a smaller cylinder. The foam had no problem bending.

Once dry, I sprayed them with a base coat of flat black, followed by a top coat of textured spraypaint- it didn't really look like the can, but worked well enough I guess:
Not too bad.
 Next step was to wait for nightfall to do the lighting tests. The captions below explain it.

LEDs on, with flash

LEDs on, no flash
Photoshopped the first two images to highlight the details
Added the cauldron, then photoshopped two images together

Overall, this was a pretty easy and effective project. The logs look close enough to the real thing during daylight, and at night it'll be too dark to notice anything beyond the lights. The amber LEDs aren't going to work though- I'll try again with orange and/or red.

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